What’s it like to be a Customer Account Manager

Tell me about your role
I came to CarFinance 247 around two years ago with very little knowledge of car finance. Since then, I’ve not only learnt a great deal about finance but also how the used car market works in general.
There are many daily responsibilities; from the moment you get a customer who has applied, you must make sure that a person receives the best customer service. You can have many customers on the go at once, some want a car as soon as possible, others want time to choose, either way every single customer needs looking after.
What made you want to join CarFinance 247?
A very good friend of mine has been with the business for around six years, I asked him to refer me and here we are! I also love cars! Searching for cars every day and finding a customer a car that they will love is great.
How do you stay motivated?
I stay motivated by working towards my target each month, as I know that if I hit that, I will earn more money. I have managed to work my way to being one of the top advisors in the business this way, which gives me the confidence and motivation to do better each month.
More importantly, I have learnt what it’s like to enjoy a job. If you like coming into work every day, motivation comes quite easily.
What has been your biggest challenge so far?
Covid. Working from home was a challenge at first as I love coming into the workplace and having that buzz from my team. I did adapt; however, I love that I can now be around the bustling atmosphere of the office, they’re a good bunch!
Where do you see yourself in five years’ time?
I certainly see myself still at CarFinance 247! I would love to move up to a more senior role in the near future for sure. It’s good to see other people around the company who have progressed from my role and moved on to become managers or senior staff.