What's it like to be an Account Manager with 247 Money

Tell me about your job
As an account manager in the 247 Money collections team, I call customers who are in arrears and discuss the root cause. We then help to provide solutions based on the customer’s current circumstances, ensuring that we take any regulations into account while providing a good outcome for both the customer and company.
What made you want to join 247 Money?
Having worked with my previous employer for 12 years, I was looking for a role that would give me stability but still be enjoyable.. After doing some research on 247 Money online, I could see that they were a team I would love working with. The culture within the team is second to none and the support provided so far has been fantastic.
How do you stay motivated?
I am highly driven by figures and KPIs and can keep myself motivated by striving to achieve these each day. I also really enjoy speaking with customers and providing them with a service that matches their needs. The feeling of knowing that you have helped someone through a hard time in their life or a change to their circumstances really motivates me.
What has been your biggest challenge so far and how did you overcome it?
I have come from sub-prime lending so the biggest challenge so far for me has been upskilling myself on the more secure side of lending to customers. I’ve taken the time to embed myself in the training provided and have committed to reading through the processes and policies to build my knowledge on policies that I need to focus on.
What do you enjoy most about your job?
The challenge every day to reduce the overall arrears within the team and being able to contribute to this is very rewarding. I also love providing customers with a great service to ensure that they have a good outcome. I also enjoy giving myself oversight of the team and what impact we are having at each arrears stage.
Where do you see yourself in five years’ time?
I would love to progress at 247 Money and become a manager, encouraging my team to be the best that they can be. I really love training and developing so I could really see myself being able to build a great team.